Potlash: Normalizing Idiocy
With the legalization of marijuana we, as a society, have accepted a furthering of idiocy and lethargy never before seen by mankind. The most widespread and prolifically abused drug, Marijuana brings in the wake of its usage a decrease in productivity, a slowing down of function, and a severe lack of motivation. Pot’s psychoactive elements rewire the brain. With the new structural brain changes come permanent cognitive effects. The brain’s amygdala region shrinks, causing a diminished processing of fear and reward. Studies have shown a 6 point drop in IQ by pot users. Losing touch of the real world, a psychosis of paranoia sets in. The natural reward circuitry is so damaged that the remaining driving force is an importance to obtain and ingest more marijuana. The neurons that suppress appetite become turned off and the floodgates of hunger are unleashed.
Cannabis has been linked to schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. What often begins with a happy stoner vibe can end with full blown mental breakdowns. Short term and long term memory diminishes. This has been proven with brain scans. Many of the harmful effects are not known until it is too late. Marijuana’s cool vibe covers its hidden dangers with low impact effects, and minimal adverse side effects when consumed. No nausea, no drunken fights, no hangovers. Often the clever users can consume it throughout their day while going about routine duties like house chores, errands, or work. Even driving. It has a way of sneaking in and taking over your life without you noticing.
Anything abused for a long period of time will have its ill effects manifest upon your health and well being. Sustained intervals of overeating will result in poor health and weight issues. Being unable to escape the grips of the bud can lead to quitting jobs, dropping out of school, losing that lover that had the potential to help you turn your life around. Video gaming and watching cartoons all day becomes normal but the only guaranteed result is a self-inflicted lobotomizing.
Your potential is permalimited when you are permastoned. A dulled mind and low energy stifling any advancement from the confines of your existence. The arrested development not allowing for any emotional or intellectual growth. A population amongst us of lesser and diminished versions of themselves. Life is difficult enough without this self-imposed mental defectiveness.
The unexpected consequences and ramifications of the legalisation of marijuana is that in the near future we will lose all stigma previously associated with marijuana. It’s legal therefore it’s somehow okay for me to use it. It’s okay for me to use while working. While making dinner for my kids. When I wake up late. In a parking lot after a stressful exchange with a cashier at Target.
Marijuana has been proven to be a gateway drug for cocaine and heroin. Perhaps the drug didn’t do it, rather the user was prone to more illicit activity, but being high did not help in the decision making. Getting high is not a social activity as it is severely debilitating. Long term usage brings motor ability dysfunction. It allows for a distorted sense of time, random thinking, paranoia, depression, anxiety and social withdrawal.
Law abiders will succumb to their curiosity and partake. Even when prescribed for medicinal purposes there is a 9 percent chance at addiction. The addictive element is the THC. Back in the day average levels of THC was 4 percent now it is 31 percent. Why prescribe or try something that can hook you so easily?
You will yourself into a condition that will keep you from living a vibrant life. Your problems will not be solved with more drug use, it will only lead to an unmitigated public disaster. Your potential robbed by an invisible thief. The dumbing down a new normal and a certain coolness to being checked out. You adrift in the fog, alone and lost in the distortion. It is one way to live but is it really living?