Practical, pragmatic and painful, Sudden Death Cleaning: How to Live Your Best Life Now offers pages of motivation and hope in preparation of the possibility of your sudden death. The promise of peace is right in front of your eyes, via measurable steps, with new perspectives which counter the current culture of success being measured by acquiring more, or constantly staying busy. By utilizing this book you will be able to escape the chaos around you through a dedicated preparation of your potential sudden death, while living your best life with what will be left behind in the physical realm.

Virtue simping is the phenomenon of combining a desire to express inner emotions in a public forum with doing so in hopes of pleasing an emotional tribe. Current thingism is any movable cause which is determined by the collective and up for change at any moment. By examining our human instincts to expose private attitudes and lifestyle selections, the author Tennison Long debunks the effectiveness of attempting to satiate the emotional tribe as audience, offering that virtue signaling is not the superpower that many feel it is, rather that it is an exhausting and emotionally draining process which has been co-opted by corporations, governments and big industrial complexes, much to the detriment of the virtue simp’s emotional and physical wellbeing. This book offers a grounded analysis of what causes virtue simping and practical steps to escape from the current thing to once again live life to its fullest.

Life is difficult enough without having to endure a pandemic. But worse is the fearful response that ensues, while the propaganda and narrative programming submits the consciousness of many into a manufactured fear matrix. Recovery may seem insurmountable, but we each possess the potential to emerge stronger than before. Based on the techniques detailed in Post-COVID Stress Disorder: How to Escape the Fear Matrix, the unique steps developed by author Tennison Long offer simple and straightforward acts of intention and awareness that can be done by anyone wanting to escape the fear matrix. By committing to one step at a time you will be surprised by how quickly these accessible techniques will help you in breaking free from the government-imposed, and mainstream media spread, inertia of fear and once again enjoy your life to its fullest.